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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Five Finger Tee's

In my quest to find things awesome, I found Five Finger Tees, Five Finger Tee's is the type of site that has THE tee shirt you are looking for. I started from the top of the category list and worked my way down, making my own gotta have it list as I went.

My list had~

Really, this post would go on forever if I listed everything I ear marked. I narrowed my list down to 2. For those of you who know me in the 'real' world, I'm sure you can figure out right away what one of them was.

Yep! The midget shirt. It was literally SCREAMING my name! KELLY! KELLY! CAN YOU HEAR ME! PICK ME!

I thought to myself, Self~ That is a rockin midge shirt!

But I was torn. I was torn between my love of short stacks and impressing my Joe with this~
Joe lives and breathes Harry Potter. Joe IS Harry Potter. Last month when ordering his new glasses, he ordered a Harry pair. That is dedicated love.

Do I get my shirt, or a shirt that will make my boy smile.

Really, it ended up not being that hard of a choice. At the end of the day, its what my kids think of me that matters. If Joe thinks I am the most amazingly awesome mom for even a minute, it's worth it.

As soon as my shirt arrived I put it on and just stood in the door way from the kitchen to the living room where he was. It took a simple glance for him to notice.

My joy of seeing his reaction quickly turned to concern because I was afraid he'd pass out from not breathing between his excitement and questions.

Five Finger Tee's hooked me up as the most awesome Hogwarts supporting mom out there.

I love it, when I have it.

Joe stole it and wears it on weekends and to bed. He rocks it the best he can in a shirt too big for him. I like to think he is reminded of my awesomeness every time he puts it on.

Hopefully he has heard me wistfully talking about my other wanna have it shirt,
and hooks ME up for Christmas.

This site has my brothers name written all over it. I can just hear him laughing at some of their shirts. He needs to start a gotta have it list. Between the cost of the shirts, the quality and quick delivery, I'd be more then happy hooking him up!

What's your favorite one?

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