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Friday, August 19, 2011

Possible Giveaways

Good morning my reader friends! This morning I have been busy sending out emails and links to my blog in hopes of getting products to review and giveaway to you lovelies!

I found this great site, Bloggerise- .They are a meet and great site for bloggers and companies to mesh together and help spread the word of their products.

To help increase my chances in being honored with a giveaway and/or review, please help spread the word of my blog by asking your friends to follow me. A higher follower number, could possible raise my chances.

I hope to be able to reward someone soon!

Thank you!


Tomorrow I have the pleasure of photographing a wedding. This one is special to me because she was the first "stranger" to ask me to photographer her. She took me out of my comfort zone and I will forever be grateful to her for giving me that push to spread my wings a bit.

And Sunday is Jake's long awaited 1st grade special shopping trip! So you know next week I will have some sweet photos and funny stories to share with you!

What are your weekend plans!


  1. I think I am a follower...but not sure! Am I? Good luck on Jake's shopping adventure!! I only have a few things for the boys..I need to get a move on it!

  2. You are too funny! I think you must be a stalker because I don't see you in the Followers tab. Go click it.
    Jake needs hardly anything but Joe needs a ton of stuff. We are doing Joe's the weekend before school starts.
    Yeah, we didn't plan that too well...

  3. I did it!! I am a follower!!

  4. I know some really good products you can review. for more info.
