I recently had the opportunity to see a sneak peek at a new show coming to ABC on Sunday's this fall. It's called Once Upon A Time. It's from the executive producers of Lost.
It's a take on what happens at the end of a fairy tale. Do they live happily every after? This is Snow White's story. I was super happy to see the 7 dwarfs in the opening scene because as many of you know, I have a deep love for midgets.
Score one for Once Upon A Time for dwarfs!
It cuts to Snow Whites wedding and what comes after, not the happily ever after everyone was lead to believe. Without giving too much away, it cuts back and forth to today's time and Snow White's time in regards to a curse put on Snow White, her husband and the whole village.
Some of the fairy tale hints are a little forced when the show wants us to understand who a character is in our real time. How many times will we see a bowl of apples for a hint, I have no idea. Or when Little Red Riding Hood enters the story, she holds her hood (a red one) a little longer then needed.
The main character, Emma, is supposed to be 28. I thought I heard incorrectly because she looks to be about 38. So details are a little frustrating for me in regards to the show.
I can see this being a good made for tv movie or mini series, but a full blown show, I'm not sure.
Check it out, let me know what you think.
Watch Full Episodes for Free Online - Once Upon a Time - ABC.com
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Interesting Article On Working Moms
I found this article this morning and thought is was share worthy. Being a full time working mom myself, I never really had "guilt" about working. It's what needs to be done for my family. I'd feel guilty if I didn't do what needed to be done to provide for them in the way I feel is needed.
The thing that makes me feel good about the choices we've made being a 2 parent full time working family, is how we spend our time together. It's the moments you have that matter. Forget what you can't do or have and focus on what you do.
No matter what, there will always be someone there to support my boys at their events, games and even practices. If we can't both make it, one of us does. If for some reason there are 10 things at once, Grammy is there. At times it is tough getting to some school functions, their school tends to hold events during school hours, but we get it done.
Robert doesn't spend all day at the golf course on Saturday. I don't spend my free time knee deep in house work barking at the kids to clean their room.
As a team we get the boring stuff done little by little during the week so there isn't a full family day taken from us to do chores. If we can't do an activity together as a whole unit, chances are we don't do it. We are lazy together, we work together, we play together.
I felt I was doing right by my kids sending them to an education based daycare too. They had special days at their Grammy's house and spoiled rotten there, but at daycare, they became their own person. They made solid friends. They learned as they played. Joe was reading at 3 1/2! Daycare doesn't have to mean just sitting in a corner playing with the blocks.
This article mentions moms tend to be happier when they work. I think the same can be said for kids at daycare too. As much as I love to chit chat with the people I see at work, my kids love to chit chat with their friends at daycare.
That's just my family and how we roll. It's not right for everyone, but it is for us. My kids are good kids and there are a lot of people in their lives that have helped make them that way. You know, the whole 'it takes a village' thing.
Check out the article and let me know what you think!
TODAYMoms - Working mom guilt, be gone! Your kids fare better, study finds
The thing that makes me feel good about the choices we've made being a 2 parent full time working family, is how we spend our time together. It's the moments you have that matter. Forget what you can't do or have and focus on what you do.
No matter what, there will always be someone there to support my boys at their events, games and even practices. If we can't both make it, one of us does. If for some reason there are 10 things at once, Grammy is there. At times it is tough getting to some school functions, their school tends to hold events during school hours, but we get it done.
Robert doesn't spend all day at the golf course on Saturday. I don't spend my free time knee deep in house work barking at the kids to clean their room.
As a team we get the boring stuff done little by little during the week so there isn't a full family day taken from us to do chores. If we can't do an activity together as a whole unit, chances are we don't do it. We are lazy together, we work together, we play together.
I felt I was doing right by my kids sending them to an education based daycare too. They had special days at their Grammy's house and spoiled rotten there, but at daycare, they became their own person. They made solid friends. They learned as they played. Joe was reading at 3 1/2! Daycare doesn't have to mean just sitting in a corner playing with the blocks.
This article mentions moms tend to be happier when they work. I think the same can be said for kids at daycare too. As much as I love to chit chat with the people I see at work, my kids love to chit chat with their friends at daycare.
That's just my family and how we roll. It's not right for everyone, but it is for us. My kids are good kids and there are a lot of people in their lives that have helped make them that way. You know, the whole 'it takes a village' thing.
Check out the article and let me know what you think!
TODAYMoms - Working mom guilt, be gone! Your kids fare better, study finds
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tank Obsessed
I have an addiction. It's very serious. It has taken over my life and closet space. I love tank tops. I haven't met a tank yet that I don't feel I need to have. I wear at least one tank a day. It could be under a shirt that is slightly too thin, under a cadri (my fav) or under another tank. You will never see me without one on.
It became a huge issue in my dresser. Those lil suckers take up a lot of room! So this is my genius idea...back of the door shoe organizer!
This doesn't even have all my tanks in it because there is one on me, of course, plus I am NEVER caught up with laundry. Each pocket has 2 tanks rolled up in it. I love to close my door and be able to see everything at once instead of digging in the dresser trying to find what I'm looking for.
Since I have proven to you my obsession, you will understand why I was THRILLED to win a free Decorated Tank from Old Navy. Check them out, http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/category.do?cid=7524 .
How did I win, Crowdtap of course. Seriously, if you havn't joined it yet, I don't know what you are waiting for.
I applied for a Decorated Tank sample and share party. If I won, a few friends and I get a coupon for a free decorated tank from Old Navy. Try them out, see what we like and don't and keep our favorite.
My main issue with this, how do I pick just one! Again, I love tanks and they love me.
Here is my try on pile.
That was a small pile too. I made myself put some back because I couldn't afford to have to have all of them.
The one I had my heart set on was the second from left. It was an antique color, which I love, and had a sheer diagonal ruffle running the length of the top. I had us, me and said tank, going out for coffee, walking in the park, shopping, basically being my bff tank.
The ruffles did not love me as much as I loved them. They made other parts of me look extra, um, how do I put this, large. My ladies do not like ruffles if you know what I mean.
So I moved on. The first tank in the picture was cute, but I like to wear a funky necklace and the jazz on the shoulder I felt would hinder that need of mine.
I loved the 3rd tank. It was navy with a little ruffle running down the middle. My ladies were fine with this type of ruffle because it wasn't hanging off them for the ride. This was a keeper. This was it, my free sample.
That is until I tried on the white one. I swear it whispered to me, take me home Kelly, I love you. It's solid cream until the top just below my collar bone and above the ladies. Then it's beautiful lace. This tank literally could go with everyting. I had on a hot pink tank that day and tried it on under, it added a great splash of color under the lace.
I've worn it with black and brown underneath so far. Yes, I bought it. How could I not!
The other 2 tanks in the picture are the same as lil Lacey, my new bff tank, just different colors. I went with the cream for the sole reason of being able to pair it with any of my many tanks I already have.
Here is me and Lacey when we first met.
So my lesson for you to today-
1. get to Crowdtap, why you haven't done so is beyond me.
2. get to Old Navy and meet your own Lacey and the many other amazing tanks they have.
p.s. Soon I will learn how to make certain words links. Robert said he knows how but has yet to show me. I think it's because he knows it'll turn into something he'll have to do for me. That's the way it always is.
It became a huge issue in my dresser. Those lil suckers take up a lot of room! So this is my genius idea...back of the door shoe organizer!
This doesn't even have all my tanks in it because there is one on me, of course, plus I am NEVER caught up with laundry. Each pocket has 2 tanks rolled up in it. I love to close my door and be able to see everything at once instead of digging in the dresser trying to find what I'm looking for.
Since I have proven to you my obsession, you will understand why I was THRILLED to win a free Decorated Tank from Old Navy. Check them out, http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/category.do?cid=7524 .
How did I win, Crowdtap of course. Seriously, if you havn't joined it yet, I don't know what you are waiting for.
I applied for a Decorated Tank sample and share party. If I won, a few friends and I get a coupon for a free decorated tank from Old Navy. Try them out, see what we like and don't and keep our favorite.
My main issue with this, how do I pick just one! Again, I love tanks and they love me.
Here is my try on pile.
That was a small pile too. I made myself put some back because I couldn't afford to have to have all of them.
The one I had my heart set on was the second from left. It was an antique color, which I love, and had a sheer diagonal ruffle running the length of the top. I had us, me and said tank, going out for coffee, walking in the park, shopping, basically being my bff tank.
The ruffles did not love me as much as I loved them. They made other parts of me look extra, um, how do I put this, large. My ladies do not like ruffles if you know what I mean.
So I moved on. The first tank in the picture was cute, but I like to wear a funky necklace and the jazz on the shoulder I felt would hinder that need of mine.
I loved the 3rd tank. It was navy with a little ruffle running down the middle. My ladies were fine with this type of ruffle because it wasn't hanging off them for the ride. This was a keeper. This was it, my free sample.
That is until I tried on the white one. I swear it whispered to me, take me home Kelly, I love you. It's solid cream until the top just below my collar bone and above the ladies. Then it's beautiful lace. This tank literally could go with everyting. I had on a hot pink tank that day and tried it on under, it added a great splash of color under the lace.
I've worn it with black and brown underneath so far. Yes, I bought it. How could I not!
The other 2 tanks in the picture are the same as lil Lacey, my new bff tank, just different colors. I went with the cream for the sole reason of being able to pair it with any of my many tanks I already have.
Here is me and Lacey when we first met.
So my lesson for you to today-
1. get to Crowdtap, why you haven't done so is beyond me.
2. get to Old Navy and meet your own Lacey and the many other amazing tanks they have.
p.s. Soon I will learn how to make certain words links. Robert said he knows how but has yet to show me. I think it's because he knows it'll turn into something he'll have to do for me. That's the way it always is.
$0.50 Off Select Redbox Today
Don't forget today's deal at Redbox, certain movies and games are $0.50 off. I had trouble finding the list, what worked for me was adding a movie to my cart, then a side box popped up showing the list. Happy searching!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Inner Strength
I don't think there is a day that goes by that I have not been amazed by my boys inner strength and confidence. I don't mean in a show-off/cocky attitude way. I'm talking- this is what I like and I don't care what you think.
I was raised as a 'take me as I am' type of a person. You either laugh with me or leave. I want my kids to have that same sense of security in themselves.
They want a kitchen set, they get a kitchen set. They want to watch the latest princess movie, have at it. Mind you, I don't buy my kids everything they ask for, but I don't deny them something because it's not "boy" enough.
When they do show their 'who cares' side, I will let them know they may be teased and that they are stronger then that. I'll tell them why a person may tease them for a choice they made and how they could handle the situation. No matter what, if they are happy, who cares what the schmuck is saying.
A few examples of my boys.
This past winter we had a million gloves but I swear, no matching pair. Many times I could find my pretty, girly gloves, but not a single matching super hero. They would either wear mine or a mismatched pair and they couldn't see why anyone would care what their gloves looked like, much less tease them about it. Who cares what their gloves look like, their hands are warm.
Jake loves to make necklaces and bracelets with the prettiest colored beads he can find. He has his own stash of boondoggle beads, colored stones, tribal beads, snowflake beads, anything that catches his eye. He'll wear one of his many bracelets paired up with a boondoggle necklace. His latest find, a ghost necklace from Kohl's. Now when we go treasure hunting, he is hunting for a jewelry box. I suggested that a small toolbox would be neat. Nope, he wants a cool jewelry box.
Tinkerbell movies are awesome. Jake thinks they are funny and sweet. Joe thinks Tink is hot.
Joe loves to read teen magazines then tear out the posters and put them on his wall. He has everything from Taylor Swift to Justin Bieber; Harry Potter to Smurfs; Selena Gomez to Big Time Rush. Add those to all his Super Hero Squad decals and Jakes Buzz decor, their room is theirs and they are proud of it.
That should be all that matters at the end of the day. They are proud of what they have and what they have made of it.
Joe's newest adventure will be taking hip-hop lessons. Sign up is tonight! Excited isn't even close to the word that could describe him right now.
I am so proud of them.
I was raised as a 'take me as I am' type of a person. You either laugh with me or leave. I want my kids to have that same sense of security in themselves.
They want a kitchen set, they get a kitchen set. They want to watch the latest princess movie, have at it. Mind you, I don't buy my kids everything they ask for, but I don't deny them something because it's not "boy" enough.
When they do show their 'who cares' side, I will let them know they may be teased and that they are stronger then that. I'll tell them why a person may tease them for a choice they made and how they could handle the situation. No matter what, if they are happy, who cares what the schmuck is saying.
A few examples of my boys.
This past winter we had a million gloves but I swear, no matching pair. Many times I could find my pretty, girly gloves, but not a single matching super hero. They would either wear mine or a mismatched pair and they couldn't see why anyone would care what their gloves looked like, much less tease them about it. Who cares what their gloves look like, their hands are warm.
Jake loves to make necklaces and bracelets with the prettiest colored beads he can find. He has his own stash of boondoggle beads, colored stones, tribal beads, snowflake beads, anything that catches his eye. He'll wear one of his many bracelets paired up with a boondoggle necklace. His latest find, a ghost necklace from Kohl's. Now when we go treasure hunting, he is hunting for a jewelry box. I suggested that a small toolbox would be neat. Nope, he wants a cool jewelry box.
Tinkerbell movies are awesome. Jake thinks they are funny and sweet. Joe thinks Tink is hot.
Joe loves to read teen magazines then tear out the posters and put them on his wall. He has everything from Taylor Swift to Justin Bieber; Harry Potter to Smurfs; Selena Gomez to Big Time Rush. Add those to all his Super Hero Squad decals and Jakes Buzz decor, their room is theirs and they are proud of it.
That should be all that matters at the end of the day. They are proud of what they have and what they have made of it.
Joe's newest adventure will be taking hip-hop lessons. Sign up is tonight! Excited isn't even close to the word that could describe him right now.
I am so proud of them.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I just found out that Redbox has a list of games and dvd's that are $0.50 off today and next Wed.
Check it out. They also have a deal going if you rent 2 dvd's get a code for a free one.
DVD Rental | New Movies on Blu-Ray™ and DVD at Redbox
My Favorite Author Ever
If you haven't read Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, you are missing out on some serious good laughs. I'd love to take credit for "discovering" her myself, but I didn't. A few years back a coworker of mine happened to mention the series. She can't even take the credit, her husband recommended it to her! How he found it...the airport. He was on a long trip and asked someone at the airport if they had any recommendations for a good read.
And so the Plum trend started.
Janet Evanovich has written more then just the Plum series, I personally just love the Plum. It's a comedy/mystery/suspense type series. What the clincher is for me ~ I literally laugh out loud for most of the book.
Stephanie is a bounty hunter and the books are about her trouble bringing in common criminals. It's never as easy as knocking on a door and going to the court house either. The hunt and usually many attempts at a take down, are always worth a laugh. Along with her list of skippers she needs to find, a murder mystery is usually happening too that she gets caught up in.
The main source of most of my laughing though, is one of the characters, Lula. Lula is a short, thick ex hooker who is Stephanie's side kick. She favors small, tight, leopard print spandex clothing that is a few sizes to small for her. Her favorite food is fried chicken and she usually has some with her or needs it.
When I read, I make a movie in my head that plays out with the story. This series is the funniest head movie ever.
The Plum series is on it's 17th book, Smokin' Seventeen, with the 18th out soon. You can read them out of order and not be lost, but I always think it's best to start at the beginning and work your way up. It's super easy to figure out the order of the books, the title has the book number in it.
Check her out, if you don't laugh while reading the Plum series, then something is broken.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Oh The Things We Do...
How many times have you done something for your kids and thought to yourself...Only because I love you. I have many, many 'Only Because' moments. Those Only Because moments are always uncomfortable in some form for me. They are always moments I wouldn't do unless my kids wanted it.
Only because I love you, I will read this book for the 10th time in a row.
Only because I love you, I will wear my bathing suit to the community pool.
Only because I love you I will laugh at that knock knock joke.
My latest 'Only Because' moment was this past Saturday. Darien Lake, our local theme park, had a free in park concert. Miranda Cosgrove and Greyson Chance. To help paint a mental picture for you, let me give you a little flash back of a similar event last year.
Summer 2010.
I don't remember the date, but it was hot out. The Imagination Movers with Choo Choo Soul were doing a free concert at Darien Lake. I lined up about 3 hrs before show time in an attempt to get my boys front row. I am super mom with my game face on, ready to elbow anyone man, women, or child that dares get in my way. The ropes go down and I RUN! I'm not talking run. I'm talking RUN as in Phoebe running in the park on Friends, arms flailing RUNNING.
I, of course, got front row.
And Joe hated it.
My first lesson learned, is to first ask the boys where they'd rather be for a concert. Apparently front and center doesn't necessarily equal awesome to them.
My second lesson learned, is I set the bar high to perform in this same manner if another occasion arises.
That brings us to my mind set Saturday morning. Joe wants to see Miranda Cosgrove, Joe's gonna see Miranda Cosgrove even if I have to camp there. It's free, why would I say no to that?!
As soon as Joe wakes up, I start drilling him on a plan. Where do you want to be? Front row? She might touch your hand if you're right up front like last year. Towards the back? If we are farther out you can have more room to dance.
That's the key word for Joe, dance. Joe wants to dance. Who cares if Miranda touches his hand, he wants to bust his moves at her concert instead.
I am so happy to hear this for 2 reasons.
1. Joe is strong enough of a person to dance when he feels the need. He will plan ahead for this if need be.
2. I don't need to plan my running outfit!
There were so may people there that we knew, even without being up front, we had to line up early if we wanted to be on the lawn. We head over about 45 min before the 4 pm rope drop time. For those of you who don't remember, or were not here at the time, Saturday was in the 90's. Who in their right mind would stand in line earlier then that?
A lot.
I shoo Robert and the boys to find a spot in the shade and hang out. I needed to concentrate on my plan in peace while I stood 3 families deep in a wall of sweaty people.
This is what I devised- the tent smack in the middle of the lawn for the sound guys, that's my X marks the spot. I am aiming to get there first, directly in front of it so no one can be behind us, and lay my blanket down so Joe has room to dance.
4 o'clock rolls around and they don't let us go. I am barely holding it together. Nobody likes me when I'm hot. I don't even like me when I'm hot. Someone better let me go or I will start swinging.
They guide the mob, no running this year, the best they could to the stage. I power walked, elbows out of course, over to my spot.
Success once again!
The concert was long, loud and sweltering.
And Joe loved it.
Would I do this for me? Nope. I'd take what I could get. Only because I love my boys did I do this. But because I did it for my kids, I got the joy of watching them. That's my front row.
Only because I love you, I will read this book for the 10th time in a row.
Only because I love you, I will wear my bathing suit to the community pool.
Only because I love you I will laugh at that knock knock joke.
My latest 'Only Because' moment was this past Saturday. Darien Lake, our local theme park, had a free in park concert. Miranda Cosgrove and Greyson Chance. To help paint a mental picture for you, let me give you a little flash back of a similar event last year.
Summer 2010.
I don't remember the date, but it was hot out. The Imagination Movers with Choo Choo Soul were doing a free concert at Darien Lake. I lined up about 3 hrs before show time in an attempt to get my boys front row. I am super mom with my game face on, ready to elbow anyone man, women, or child that dares get in my way. The ropes go down and I RUN! I'm not talking run. I'm talking RUN as in Phoebe running in the park on Friends, arms flailing RUNNING.
I, of course, got front row.
And Joe hated it.
My first lesson learned, is to first ask the boys where they'd rather be for a concert. Apparently front and center doesn't necessarily equal awesome to them.
My second lesson learned, is I set the bar high to perform in this same manner if another occasion arises.
That brings us to my mind set Saturday morning. Joe wants to see Miranda Cosgrove, Joe's gonna see Miranda Cosgrove even if I have to camp there. It's free, why would I say no to that?!
As soon as Joe wakes up, I start drilling him on a plan. Where do you want to be? Front row? She might touch your hand if you're right up front like last year. Towards the back? If we are farther out you can have more room to dance.
That's the key word for Joe, dance. Joe wants to dance. Who cares if Miranda touches his hand, he wants to bust his moves at her concert instead.
I am so happy to hear this for 2 reasons.
1. Joe is strong enough of a person to dance when he feels the need. He will plan ahead for this if need be.
2. I don't need to plan my running outfit!
There were so may people there that we knew, even without being up front, we had to line up early if we wanted to be on the lawn. We head over about 45 min before the 4 pm rope drop time. For those of you who don't remember, or were not here at the time, Saturday was in the 90's. Who in their right mind would stand in line earlier then that?
A lot.
I shoo Robert and the boys to find a spot in the shade and hang out. I needed to concentrate on my plan in peace while I stood 3 families deep in a wall of sweaty people.
This is what I devised- the tent smack in the middle of the lawn for the sound guys, that's my X marks the spot. I am aiming to get there first, directly in front of it so no one can be behind us, and lay my blanket down so Joe has room to dance.
4 o'clock rolls around and they don't let us go. I am barely holding it together. Nobody likes me when I'm hot. I don't even like me when I'm hot. Someone better let me go or I will start swinging.
They guide the mob, no running this year, the best they could to the stage. I power walked, elbows out of course, over to my spot.
Success once again!
The concert was long, loud and sweltering.
And Joe loved it.
Would I do this for me? Nope. I'd take what I could get. Only because I love my boys did I do this. But because I did it for my kids, I got the joy of watching them. That's my front row.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Photo's Added
Well it wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be!
Above my most recent posts will be tabs to display my favorite shots that's I've taken recently. So far I have 2 categories, Life and Love.
I'd love to hear what you think and any suggestions you may have.
Thanks for looking. (and reading!)
Above my most recent posts will be tabs to display my favorite shots that's I've taken recently. So far I have 2 categories, Life and Love.
I'd love to hear what you think and any suggestions you may have.
Thanks for looking. (and reading!)
Friday, July 15, 2011
Coming Soon, Hopefully...
This weekend I am going to work on expanding my blog to include pages of my favorite pictures from recent shoots I've done.
We will all know how successful I am at creating said pages by Sunday night.
Here is a sneak peek at some of the things I will be including.
We will all know how successful I am at creating said pages by Sunday night.
Here is a sneak peek at some of the things I will be including.
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Mr & Mrs Merkle |
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Brody |
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Mr & Mrs Carter |
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Mr & Mrs Merkle and daughter Anna |
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Tempie |
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Jake |
Lil Help Here Please
So we all know I'm new here, and am so super proud of myself when I figure out how to add something new to my blog.
What I can't figure out is how to make certain words become links.
I just found this awesome *bracelet* at *Target*.
On Sally's *blog* she made this stuffed *dinosaur* that I just had to try and make myself.
How do I make the words in *'s links?
Help a blogger out!
No I do not know of a Sally who made a stuffed dino that I need to try and I think all of Target's bracelets are awesome.
What I can't figure out is how to make certain words become links.
I just found this awesome *bracelet* at *Target*.
On Sally's *blog* she made this stuffed *dinosaur* that I just had to try and make myself.
How do I make the words in *'s links?
Help a blogger out!
No I do not know of a Sally who made a stuffed dino that I need to try and I think all of Target's bracelets are awesome.
The Best Carpet Stain Remover Ever
I've been wanting to share this find but I was going to wait to take before and after pictures as proof of it's awesomeness. Then I said to myself- Self, who'd want to see that nastiness.
So you'll just have to take my word for it.
Bissell OxyPro Carpet Spot & Stain Remover.
I can't remember how I found it, but obviously I tried it because everything else I had tried wasn't exactly anything to write home about. Or blog about for that matter.
You can find it at Walmart right next to the vacuums they sell. Maybe that's a good indication that this works well because it's not with the other cleaning supplies but with the people that know carpets. I'm sure other places sell it, I personally have only bought it at Walmart.
So why do I love it? Well for starters we have a "beige" carpet. I put quotes on beige because we have 2 cats, one long haired and if you have a long haired cat you know what I'm sayin', 2 boys and a Robert. The carpet is, uh, well loved I guess.
Let's just say I wish I discovered this stain remover 7 yrs ago when we moved in.
I love it because it works. Why else would I love a stain remover? Well it does smell really really good too.
Try it.
Carpet Stain Remover;Carpet Cleaning Supplies | Bissell
So you'll just have to take my word for it.
Bissell OxyPro Carpet Spot & Stain Remover.
I can't remember how I found it, but obviously I tried it because everything else I had tried wasn't exactly anything to write home about. Or blog about for that matter.
You can find it at Walmart right next to the vacuums they sell. Maybe that's a good indication that this works well because it's not with the other cleaning supplies but with the people that know carpets. I'm sure other places sell it, I personally have only bought it at Walmart.
So why do I love it? Well for starters we have a "beige" carpet. I put quotes on beige because we have 2 cats, one long haired and if you have a long haired cat you know what I'm sayin', 2 boys and a Robert. The carpet is, uh, well loved I guess.
Let's just say I wish I discovered this stain remover 7 yrs ago when we moved in.
I love it because it works. Why else would I love a stain remover? Well it does smell really really good too.
Try it.
Carpet Stain Remover;Carpet Cleaning Supplies | Bissell
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Bracelet or 2
Old and used necklaces are usually where you'll get the most bang for your buck. I can't wear heavy necklaces or ones that lay close to my neck. I had surgery on my neck to remove my thyroid a few years back and have had nerve issues ever since. Weight at my neck or the feel of it laying there freaks my neck out. So cutting up necklaces doesn't faze me in the least since I'm remaking it into a bracelet I can wear and love.
For this post I will show you how to tear into a simple necklace to rethink it into some awesome stretch bracelets.
I found this necklace for $1 at the flea market a few weeks ago. It's a fine necklace but it has 2 things wrong with it for me.
1. it's heavy
2. it touches my neck to much
By the way, ALL the beads in that case were from a garage sale for less then $6. The pendants I got on clearance for less then $2 each. I NEVER pay full price.
Anyway, I got out my handy dandy wire cutter that you can get at Michael's, Walmart or Joann's, any where that sells jewelry making stuff. They are pretty cheap. No more then about $5. You don't really need wire cutters for the stretch cord, but they are good to have if you use other material for making jewelry.
Find a spot near the closer and snip. Be sure to have your necklace close to your work surface and over a container. My container was the open side of the lid to my bead case.
I used a stretch cord that I bought at Walmart for less then $2. You can get it really any place that sells jewelry making stuff. Check the cord size before you buy! The thicker the cord, the less likely it'll fit most beads. For this I used .8mm. Don't go to small either or it might be too weak for everyday wear.
Once I have the bracelet the length that I want, I test it on my wrist, just cut it free of the spool. I like to knot mine at least 3 times. TIGHT! After each knot, put a dab of jewelry glue on it. Again, glue is where you find jewlery supplies and is around $5.
In about an 1 1/2 hrs, while watching tv with the kids, this is what I made.
5 bracelets. 3 of them have parts of the necklace that I cut up. I still have a ton of beads left from it for more projects down the line.
These 2 I made a few weeks ago for a friend of mine. The white one has got to be my favorite so far. It too is from a super ugly find at the flea market for $1. Every bead part of these are from my $6 garage sale stash, and 2 ugly necklaces. Even if you poke around the cast offs that you have and you feel like it's not enough to make something, make a pile somewhere. It really doesn't take much to get a full bracelet. You'll have a huge supply in no time.
![]() |
Sorry for the fuzzy shot, cell pick forwarded to cell forwarded to computer. You get the idea. |
Next I want to tackle making this super light and versatile necklace that I found at the flea market. Every time I wear it, I get a compliment on it.
It goes with EVERYTHING I wear. I can barely feel it and the best part... I got it for $1. I'm telling you, the flea market is the place to be!
I'll share my how to's with you once I figure out how to!
The Body Odd - Reverse beer goggles? Illusion makes pretty faces freaky
This is so weird! I watched it as instructed first, by looking at the spot in the middle and they seemed orgeish! Then I watched it a second time and just watched the one column of faces and they were normal.
Very cool.
Check it out-
The Body Odd - Reverse beer goggles? Illusion makes pretty faces freaky
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A Photo To Make You Smile
This is a photo of a dad and his new baby girl that I took on Monday. It makes me smile and I hope it does for you as well. When I am done editing the rest of the pics and with their blessing, I will share some more with you later.
My 3rd Favorite Magazine
I have to say Better Homes and Gardens Do It Yourself magazine is my 3rd favorite ever, only because it comes out just a few times a year. If it came out monthly it would be hard to place my top 3 in a solid order. My top pick being People, of course. My second you will just have to wait and find out in a future post!
The first time I got this magazine was about a yr ago. It was a freebie to promote it, I got with my Better Homes and Gardens subscription. I signed up for a regular subscription off that first issue it was that good.
I am a flea market, garage sale, thrift store, consignment sale hopper. Think of it as a bar hopping if you will, but dirtier and much more fulfilling. This magazine gives me great ideas for random finds, like painting an ugly platter with chalkboard paint and hanging it on the wall as a message board.
This isn't a boring artsy fartsy magazine that will show you how to knit a shawl like gram did or cross-stitch a portrait of your cat, not that those aren't great things to know how to do. This is real do it yourself info that anyone would want to do and can do. You won't have to pull out every power tool there is to make a book shelf either. It's more find it and fix it type project magazine.
For example, my new issue came in the mail yesterday and on the cover is a headboard made out of different dresser drawers. Different styles and sizes were placed open side out with the bottom of each drawer on the wall. Some were sideways, upside down, right side up. In the end it made a cool boxy shelf headboard.
What I learned after getting my first taste of the magazine, don't bother ripping out the ideas you want to keep and remember. Since you'll end up with most of the magazine in a pile, just keep it.
Check out their site, I promise you'll find something you absolutly have to do.
The first time I got this magazine was about a yr ago. It was a freebie to promote it, I got with my Better Homes and Gardens subscription. I signed up for a regular subscription off that first issue it was that good.
I am a flea market, garage sale, thrift store, consignment sale hopper. Think of it as a bar hopping if you will, but dirtier and much more fulfilling. This magazine gives me great ideas for random finds, like painting an ugly platter with chalkboard paint and hanging it on the wall as a message board.
This isn't a boring artsy fartsy magazine that will show you how to knit a shawl like gram did or cross-stitch a portrait of your cat, not that those aren't great things to know how to do. This is real do it yourself info that anyone would want to do and can do. You won't have to pull out every power tool there is to make a book shelf either. It's more find it and fix it type project magazine.
For example, my new issue came in the mail yesterday and on the cover is a headboard made out of different dresser drawers. Different styles and sizes were placed open side out with the bottom of each drawer on the wall. Some were sideways, upside down, right side up. In the end it made a cool boxy shelf headboard.
What I learned after getting my first taste of the magazine, don't bother ripping out the ideas you want to keep and remember. Since you'll end up with most of the magazine in a pile, just keep it.
Check out their site, I promise you'll find something you absolutly have to do.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Our Mystery Bag Contents
Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a sunny and relaxing weekend. We sure did with a little shopping, beach bumming and bbqing. When I told my husband about Old Navy's mystery bag sale that was going on this past Saturday, he was just as intrigued and excited as I was.
So Saturday morning I got us up bright and early, no sleeping in for this bargain hunting family. I figured there would be a huge line for this sale. A bag of clothes for $20 that is worth over $100, why wouldn't there be a line?! Well there wasn't. We got there right after they opened at 8. We got our bags, I took 2 and Robert 1, and we poked around their great summer sale. A great deal of their summer stuff was up to 75% off! There were shorts for $8. So needless to say, we got more then our 3 mystery bags.
Here were the rules on the bags.
~No opening before purchase
~No returns
~Limit 2 bags per person
They were labeled by size and department and they all contained tops.
Here are our 3 picks.
It drove Robert crazy trying to wait until we got home to open his bag because each one had a scratch off ticket in it that you could win up to $1000. So we opened his first, of course.
He was pleasantly surprised at his loot. He got 3 new tee's which for a guy, you can't have too many of, and 2 button down shirts. I was THRILLED about the button shirts. I have been trying to get him to wear that same style for a while. He was a little less thrilled until he tried them on. I think he has a new go to favorite.
Then it was my turn!!!
My first bag was great! It made me really excited for bag #2 because this one had 3 tee's and 2 tops too! Granted 1 was a tube top and my body is not tube top accessable, but if 2 bags had 3 tee's and 2 shirts, it only makes sense that the 3rd would be the same way.
Everything fit great, well as great as a tube top can fit. The quarter length sleeve top fit a little odd. It's just a little too big, but wearable, I just have to mess with how I'd wear it and with what.
Onto bag #2!
Yep, all tee's. This one was a little dissapointing for 2 reasons. The first being it was all tee's. I think if this was opened before the theme formed in my head, I wouldn't have been dissapointed because I wouldn't have any expectations. But after opening 2 bags with 2 tops and 3 tees, a girl starts to form expectaions. I guess thats just part of the whole mystery in buying mystery bags.
The second dissapointment was one of the tops was not the size that was supposed to be in that bag. Since there are no returns, I am stuck with a shirt that is too small. It fits as innapropriatly as my new tube top. Maybe I'll wear it under my tube top...
The last exciting thing about the mystery bags was the scratch off's that I mentioned earlier.
Each bag had one with a chance to win up to $1000. I can't remember what the other $ amounts were because my mind stopped listening at $1000.
Did we win?!
How much did we win?!
Nope. Nothing.
Would we do it again? Yes! Absolutely. We both ended up with stuff we never would have bought off the rack, but that we will absolutely wear now that we have it. Except the tube top. *shudder*
What would we do differently? I'd open my bag right at the counter after paying so if my bag had a wrong size in it again, I might stand a chance of them fixing it.
Lesson learned.
So Saturday morning I got us up bright and early, no sleeping in for this bargain hunting family. I figured there would be a huge line for this sale. A bag of clothes for $20 that is worth over $100, why wouldn't there be a line?! Well there wasn't. We got there right after they opened at 8. We got our bags, I took 2 and Robert 1, and we poked around their great summer sale. A great deal of their summer stuff was up to 75% off! There were shorts for $8. So needless to say, we got more then our 3 mystery bags.
Here were the rules on the bags.
~No opening before purchase
~No returns
~Limit 2 bags per person
They were labeled by size and department and they all contained tops.
Here are our 3 picks.
It drove Robert crazy trying to wait until we got home to open his bag because each one had a scratch off ticket in it that you could win up to $1000. So we opened his first, of course.
He was pleasantly surprised at his loot. He got 3 new tee's which for a guy, you can't have too many of, and 2 button down shirts. I was THRILLED about the button shirts. I have been trying to get him to wear that same style for a while. He was a little less thrilled until he tried them on. I think he has a new go to favorite.
Then it was my turn!!!
My first bag was great! It made me really excited for bag #2 because this one had 3 tee's and 2 tops too! Granted 1 was a tube top and my body is not tube top accessable, but if 2 bags had 3 tee's and 2 shirts, it only makes sense that the 3rd would be the same way.
Everything fit great, well as great as a tube top can fit. The quarter length sleeve top fit a little odd. It's just a little too big, but wearable, I just have to mess with how I'd wear it and with what.
Onto bag #2!
Yep, all tee's. This one was a little dissapointing for 2 reasons. The first being it was all tee's. I think if this was opened before the theme formed in my head, I wouldn't have been dissapointed because I wouldn't have any expectations. But after opening 2 bags with 2 tops and 3 tees, a girl starts to form expectaions. I guess thats just part of the whole mystery in buying mystery bags.
The second dissapointment was one of the tops was not the size that was supposed to be in that bag. Since there are no returns, I am stuck with a shirt that is too small. It fits as innapropriatly as my new tube top. Maybe I'll wear it under my tube top...
The last exciting thing about the mystery bags was the scratch off's that I mentioned earlier.
Each bag had one with a chance to win up to $1000. I can't remember what the other $ amounts were because my mind stopped listening at $1000.
Did we win?!
How much did we win?!
Nope. Nothing.
Would we do it again? Yes! Absolutely. We both ended up with stuff we never would have bought off the rack, but that we will absolutely wear now that we have it. Except the tube top. *shudder*
What would we do differently? I'd open my bag right at the counter after paying so if my bag had a wrong size in it again, I might stand a chance of them fixing it.
Lesson learned.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Fun Sounding Sale
I know where I'm going tomorrow morning! Plus they have a sale going on for all of their summer stuff, up to 75% off. I LOVE INSANE BARGAINS!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Go The F**k To Sleep by Adam Mansbach
I just read this post and had to share. If you haven't read this book yet, it has to be at the very tip top of your to do list. Also, a great present for newbie parents. Check out what Adam Mansbach had to say by the link below.
Guest Author
I have a deep appreciation for someone that can write such a honest, funny, true to life story that can hit home for everyone and be just as real in follow up interviews. He doesn't betray the feel of the book by interviewing as Mr. Professional. He answers as if he is talking to an old friend.
Hats off to you Adam Mansbach for saying what we're all thinking and doing.
Guest Author
I have a deep appreciation for someone that can write such a honest, funny, true to life story that can hit home for everyone and be just as real in follow up interviews. He doesn't betray the feel of the book by interviewing as Mr. Professional. He answers as if he is talking to an old friend.
Hats off to you Adam Mansbach for saying what we're all thinking and doing.
Do Not Try This At Home
First, I think it should be known that I love sour candy. Sour Patch Kids, Worms, Bears, whatever. If it's chewy, sugary, sour goodness, I love it. But the sourness that I experienced this past weekend was like a sour slap of evil.
Warheads Super Sour Spray Candy. Ever hear of it? Here is a photo to post in your home as a warning to all.
Warheads Super Sour Spray Candy. Ever hear of it? Here is a photo to post in your home as a warning to all.
I don't know how it found it's way into our home. Joe found it in our never ending candy stash. You know, the one where just as you think you see bottom, another parade or holiday rolls around and BOOM! candy galore.
Joe, being the smart boy he is, gave it to Jake. Jake, being the risk taker, wanted to try it but was a little hesitant because of the spray form. I, being oblivious, took the tiny squirt container of sour evil and sprayed it on my tongue.
MY MOUTH CONVULSED! Instantly my head reared back, spit glands seized and I got intense pain in that weird sour spot on the back corner of my jaw.
Jake at this point is wide eyed both terrified and fascinated. Not wanting to scare him, I bravely said it must have needed shaking. Why else would it have been so insanely sour? So I shake it and do it again.
I kid you not, tears ran down my cheeks.
I did the only logical thing I could think of. Yep, I triple dog dared my husband, Robert, to try it.
He is brave, seeing as though he doesn't love sour stuff like I do, but it did take him a few minutes to man up and do it.
He sprays. Nothing. He doesn't see the big deal. He sprays again because obviously he didn't do it right since I am still foaming at the mouth.
Nothing. Again. Jake by now is intrigued and tries it. While he and Robert are planning their spray plan into Jake's mouth, I am thinking this can be used as a fantastic punishment threat. Talk back = sour spray. Genius!
Jake takes the plunge, looks at me and says- I don't see what the big deal is mom.
Awesome. Well I can't very well be upstaged by a 6 yr old. So we all decide I must be doing it wrong and Robert will spray it for me. I mean really, how can you spray wrong, but whatever.
The end result is my mouth is still on high alert and terrified days later. Lesson learned.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
101 Ways to Leave a Game Show
3 out of the 4 of us finally got to see the show! Poor Jakers had such a hard day playing that he fell asleep way before it started.
As a whole the show was good. Joe loved it. He kept exclaiming HOW ARE THEY GOING TO SURVIVE THAT! or OH MAN! He was by far the shows biggest fan in our house.
I felt the contestants were performing a little too much. They made me feel like I wasn't watching a game show, but a poorly acted show about insane game shows. Not one person seemed 'normal'. They all had a hidden agenda that they didn't hide too well. Hopefully it was just that weeks crop of contestants, I only have the one show to judge it on.
As for the host, Jeff Sutphen, well he just needs to stick with Nickelodeon. Like the contestants, he just didn't blend well and tried way too hard. He is a host of a game show on Nick and I can totally see that in the way he talks and performs. As for a prime time ABC game show, he's too immature. I said before I am a huge fan of Fear Factor, this show needs someone like Joe Rogan. A rough edged, comedian who is just as grossed out, terrified and giddy over the show as the rest of us. Not terrified and giddy over a show as per his script that he has memorized and attempted to perform. Maybe Jeff has the same hosting skills as I do baking. What he visions, isn't the reality.
Hopefully they work out the kinks for the first season and for the next they bring me a little Rogan.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My Amazingly Fantastic, Utterly Creative 4th of July Rice Crispy Treats
Yep. Amazing. I did state clearly in my orig post "attempted", "visions" and "reality". This is the reality of my attempted vision.
New Game Show
101 looks, to me, like Wipeout mashed up with Fear Factor (which is coming back HOLLA!) and mingled with Jeopardy. You are asked a question, if you get it wrong, you're out. BUT it's not as easy as that, you don't just walk off the stage into the shadows, you are yanked away by a helicopter attached to your little harness or other insane ways like that.
AMAZING! Anything insane, mildly gory and random that people will do for a slight chance of a little cash is right up my alley.
Our family favorite must see tv line up is AFV, Wipeout and Man vs Food. Tonight I hope to add 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show! This fall Fear Factor will be on that line up too! Well as long as it's family friendly...
A show I personally like to add to our must see list is Toddlers and Tiaras. We watch it and I tell my boys to be thankful. Instead of taking away their DS when they misbehave, I could be waxing their eyebrows. It's a real eye opener. Pun intended.
Check 101 out and let me know what you thought!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July everyone! This has been the best 4th of July in a while. Usually the weather is either rain, rain, rain or scalding hot. There was never a happy middle. This weekend however, has been perfect.
BBQ's with friends, day in the park, fireworks, late nights, lazy mornings, clear skies and an annual parade today.
I even attempted to tap into my crafty baking side. In my mind I had visions of patriotic rice crispy treats. They were star shaped with blue frosting outlining some, covering others and star sprinkles. I debated on putting sucker sticks in them for easy handling. Super cute, right?
Reality though, had other plans.
Stay tuned for a pic of my end product and other fav pix from this amazing weekend.
BBQ's with friends, day in the park, fireworks, late nights, lazy mornings, clear skies and an annual parade today.
I even attempted to tap into my crafty baking side. In my mind I had visions of patriotic rice crispy treats. They were star shaped with blue frosting outlining some, covering others and star sprinkles. I debated on putting sucker sticks in them for easy handling. Super cute, right?
Reality though, had other plans.
Stay tuned for a pic of my end product and other fav pix from this amazing weekend.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Star Tours: Darth Vader goes to Disneyland
Thanks Dougie for sharing this with the boys. They loved it! We can't wait to get back there in 2 yrs. Well, maybe now it's like 1 1/2 yrs.
One of those weeks
Ever have one of those weeks where you swear every day is Friday? That's been my week. I've even woken up with a jolt to want to shut my alarm off before it actually wakes us up.
What screws me up is late nights out during the week. I guess my old lady senses think that if I'm out past 7, it must be the weekend.
Monday night was normal. I was totally aware that it was Monday. Tuesday during the day, fine, it's Tuesday. But Tuesday night the boys had a sleepover in Joe's bed to celebrate them being new owners of Build-A-Bears. That did it for me. When my alarm went off Wed it was Fri and confirmed my old lady senses by a late baseball game and ice cream after with friends. Thur was Fri because I had a late Relay For Life meeting.
Now that today is actually Friday, I'm bored with it already. I think between this being my 3rd Friday and the "long weekend" coming up I know it too is just going to mess with me all over again next week! I always have Monday's off, so when everyone else does too, my old lady senses assumes Tues MUST be Monday.
Speaking of the long weekend, tomorrow is Day In The Park at Clarence Town park. My most favorite community event ever! We plop a blanket down near the playground, bring a ton of food, drinks, glow sticks and wander the day away there. Bounce houses, rock climbing walls, fried dough, contests, fireworks and fried dough. Did I happen to mention fried dough? Love it!
Go. Seriously. It's a great time.
What screws me up is late nights out during the week. I guess my old lady senses think that if I'm out past 7, it must be the weekend.
Monday night was normal. I was totally aware that it was Monday. Tuesday during the day, fine, it's Tuesday. But Tuesday night the boys had a sleepover in Joe's bed to celebrate them being new owners of Build-A-Bears. That did it for me. When my alarm went off Wed it was Fri and confirmed my old lady senses by a late baseball game and ice cream after with friends. Thur was Fri because I had a late Relay For Life meeting.
Now that today is actually Friday, I'm bored with it already. I think between this being my 3rd Friday and the "long weekend" coming up I know it too is just going to mess with me all over again next week! I always have Monday's off, so when everyone else does too, my old lady senses assumes Tues MUST be Monday.
Speaking of the long weekend, tomorrow is Day In The Park at Clarence Town park. My most favorite community event ever! We plop a blanket down near the playground, bring a ton of food, drinks, glow sticks and wander the day away there. Bounce houses, rock climbing walls, fried dough, contests, fireworks and fried dough. Did I happen to mention fried dough? Love it!
Go. Seriously. It's a great time.
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